T-A-Smell: Enhancing High-Intensity Sweeteners Utilizing New FMPs by Retronasal Sensations for Superior Reduced Sugar Beverages Taste

Time: 10:05 am
day: Conference Day Two


  • Taste stimuli can be smelled: Non-volatile taste compounds, such as sweeteners, can be perceived in both the orthonasal and retronasal cavities in the form of aerosol particles, challenging the traditional separation of taste and smell. The retronasal sensation of taste stimuli significantly impacts sensory perception, influencing taste discrimination, sweetness intensity, and overall preference. This has substantial implications for food and beverage design
  • Brain science is key to decoding the perception of sweeteners: The first series of taste and flavor modulators validated by fMRI can bridge the gap in brain responses between sugar and sucralose
  • Innovating stevia is a long journey: The new innovative stevia extract, combined with taste and flavor modulators, makes it possible for natural zero-calorie beverages to taste better than sugar
