Developing New High-Quality Products Whilst Considering Nutrition Policy, Sugar Taxes & Labeling Laws on the Food & Beverage Industry

Time: 7:45 am - 9:45 am
day: Workshop B


This workshop aims to help you develop new products and reformulate existing products in response to external drivers and inhibitors affecting the sugar reduction space. This session will help you understand differences between policies affecting high-sugar products, and how low-sugar products can be labeled. This session will give you the opportunity to collaborate with other key subject matter experts to assess the challenges associated with developing compliant and flavorful products which meet the broad range of consumer and governmental demands.

Join this session to gain strategic insights uncovering:

  • What does modern science say about the nutrition of alternative sugars? Effectively and compliantly communicating the relative calorie and health differences between traditional sugar, and alternative low-sugar products
  • Understanding the influence of sugar tax policy and healthy food subsidies on your product development toolbox and discussing how to reformulate products within legislative constraints
  • The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Can a low threshold for “High Sugar” labels damage the viability of products that don’t have this label?
